CopyTo Method (Folder Object) 

The CopyTo method makes a copy of this Folder object at another folder hierarchy location.


Set objCopiedFolder = objFolder.CopyTo(folderID [, storeID, name, copySubfolders ] )



On successful return, contains the copied Folder object.


Required. This Folder object.


Required. String. The unique identifier of the new parent Folder object, that is, the Folder object under which the copy of this folder is to appear as a subfolder.


Optional. String. The unique identifier of the InfoStore14IU0EN object in which the folder copy is to appear, if different from this folder s InfoStore.


Optional. String. The name to be assigned to the folder copy, if different from this folder s name.


Optional. Boolean. If True, all subfolders contained within this folder are to be copied along with the folder.



All MessageC062VO objects contained within this folder are copied along with the folder itself. This also applies to messages contained in the subfolders if the copySubfolders parameter is True.

The copy operation takes effect immediately. This Folder object, together with all its contents, remains unchanged by the CopyTo method.